"Ben Paglario embodies in the present what he hopes for the world in the future. He is the mixture of love, curiosity, exuberance,
and integrity we need leading our Jewish worship experiences."
Andrew Spector/Changemakers
Home is a short and sweet song with original lyrics that is also a great testament to Ben Pagliaro's heartfelt songwriting skills. This is pure Ben, expressing his caring and loving soul with gentle fingerpicking, sweet, pure vocals and a message that we can all relate to...when sunset comes, we feel gratitude for being in a home with the one(s) we love.
Karen Daniel / Singer-Songwriter
He chose his first and last song so beautifully as to demonstrate so clearly how many influences he brings into his music. For Sounds of night I heard Simon and Garfinkle (just voice and folkie guitar/ beautiful beginning) With Hoshia, which I had heard on Sacred Space, the contemporary Jewish influence with great harmonization possibilities and then the surprise harmonica was great! Bringing in that bluesy improvisational feel.
Laura Deutsch